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The Human species itself evolves into a race of wizard people whose third-dimensional bodies take root in a type of elementary garden culture, while forms of deep meditation and trance activity allow the projected doubles greater and greater extension into the galactic order of the universal life.


The sum effect of the AC-CA deviation from the biospheric norm is twofold: the crystallization of artificial constructs ultimately undermines biological functions and aborts instinctual intelligence from becoming intelligently conscious; this results in a simultaneous condition of sensory overload and sensory deprivation within the individual organism of the deviant species as a whole.


The formulation of the Law of Time and application of the corrective fourth-dimensional tools commence the re-establishment of the right relationship between the AC (Aboriginal Continuity) and CA (Cosmic Awareness). Individually and collectively, this process constitutes the central program of the “magnetic re-education of humanity, and is generically defined as “yoga.”


Yoga refers to biopsychic discipline leading to experience of “divine union” and “higher truth.” Yoga is the divine union of the higher truth, which re-establishes the correct relationship of the AC-CA functions, understood as the fourth-dimensional biological cultural timing circuits internally realizable.


The practice of yoga, generically understood, is a prerequisite for any consideration of time travel. Time travel is the function of an AC-CA integrated biopsychic circuit internal body sensation, which can be uniformly experienced and consolidated into a single focused energy directive or form.


Mediation, clear seeing without thoughts or desire-body attachments, is practiced with yoga for the rehabilitation of the sensory order disrupted by the sequence of artificial time. Synchronization of the sensory order is the condition of meditative mind, which is the prerequisite for time travel.


Sensory teleportation is the practice of telepathic projection through a coordinated sensory program of the biopsychic system, yogically integrated and without any mental thought formations or desire-body attachments. Maintaining a projective geometry form in this condition cultivates the continuing conscious.


Celestial harmonics are fourth-dimensional 13:20 ratios mentally perceivable and capable of inducing and being induced by neuro-sensory oscillations in conformity with primary projective geometries. The neuro-sensory oscillations and primary projective geometries are dependent of the coordinated interaction of AC-CA currents yogically integrated in a synchronized sense-body in whose mind no thought can cling.


All biological entities called human possess a holon, a fourth dimensional double, dormant and repressed during 12:60 deviance from norm. Activation of holon is a evolutionary development dependent upon release of organic instinctual consciousness into telepathic continuing consciousness.


As fourth-dimensional psychogenetic pattern of third-dimensional entity, holon receives messages and instructions from two purely fourth dimensional entities, commonly called “guides” or “angels” totally imperceptible and unknown to the third-dimensional ego.


Whether third-dimensional ego is aware or not, impulses received by holon are transmitted to heart as instinctual sense, to be perceived, either correctly or incorrectly, by mind as “insight.” Soul is third-dimensional conceptualization of holon.


Ego is the third-dimensional personal identity developed in conformity with external conditions of the historic cycle. In the 12:60 mental field, ego usurps repressed holon-soul functions, and hence becomes ever more removed from fourth-dimensional operators. Ego is false soul. Ego is to soul what 12:60 is to 13:20.


Intelligence operating by the Law of Time finally has the correct knowledge base for identifying holon. When holon is properly understood as fourth-dimensional psychogenic pattern or double of third-dimensional entity, accurate spiritual knowledge is re-established and ego is reduced or replaced in favor of holon development.


Development of the holon is the principle vehicle of self-cultivation in the fourth-dimensional time of galactic culture. This form of self-cultivation is carried out through conscious application of the time vector potentialities and the construction of geometrics of time through patternings of celestial harmonics.


Through the collective radiosonic mass, the purpose of galactic universal time travel is to increase the incidence of subliminal consciousness as a direct feedback effect on planetary and solar pulses. Since subliminal feedback is post-organic “future”, the creation of ever-more optimum “future” conditions plays an increasingly important role in the evolution of the planetary art spore.


Lift-off of galactic time travel also signifies fulfillment of the harmonic rearrangements of the genetic synchronic order, meaning that the 13:20 codes are now a part of the conscious innate evolutionary self-generating programs of the human biomass. The human biomass autonomously self-adjusting to whatever external conditions, weaving itself within the radiosonic architecture of the planetary art spore, is liberated from the need of any further external props: technology, clothing, or learning material.


The collective radiosonic holon mass (a fourth dimensional double) which is the fruit of the harmonic rearrangement of genetic order, operates through fifth force projective programs, displayed on the Dreamspell Oracle Board, which are genetically incorporated as central cortical program functios.


The unconscious preorganic order of T(E)=Art (domain of potentiality) resulting in the primary projective structure of the crystal is completed in the curve of ascent where subliminal post-organic or of T(E)=Art results in the ultimate self-reflective projective structure of the “soul boat”. The “soul boat” is a radiosonic crystalline projection of the order of time super consciously self-realized.


Entrance into the Dominion of Time through the conscious self-reflective discovery of the Law of Time actually initiates the “cycle of return.” Cycle of return refers to that moment in the stellar evolution when atomic-cellular expansion becomes regressive, and the correct process of excitation of primary material can only be induced by self-reflective consciousness. As self-reflective consciousness increases, mass diminishes, volume expands, and weight decreases. This decrease is proportionate to the release of radion resulting in continuing and super expansion of primary thermic and luminic properties.

Capacity of the aggregate of alternative personalities to maintain a mutual field is proportionate to the equanimity of the host bodies in relation to each other.


The activity of the aggregate of alternative personalities is determined by the host bodies collective agreement on the goal of the time travel.


All sense functions of consciousness coordinated with the solar pulsation frequencies establish super conscious functions as parallel analogs to solar (stellar) radial coordinates.


Much of what she says about Lemuria and Atlantis is found in the Q' R' Beth.

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